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YKS7101-8 1800KW/B3卧式安装电机价格行情非标定制

-YKS7101-8 1800KW/B3卧式安装电机价格行情非标定制

陕西异步西玛电机有限公司是中国机械工业专业生产大中型、高低压、交直流及同步电机、电机、防爆电机的骨干企业--西安泰富西玛电机有限公司正式授权的西玛电机销售公司,是集西玛电机销售、电机维修、电机保养等成套工程为一体的系统化动力系统提供商,质量体系、环境和职业健康认证企业。 Shaanxi Yibu Simo Motor Co., Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harbin Tech Full Electric Co., Ltd, a large-scale enterprise specializing in researching and manufacturing of large/medium-sized, high/low voltage and AC/DC motors, synchronous motor, high/low voltage three phase AC synchronous generators, DC generator, explosion-proof motor in Chinese mechanical industry. It is the supplier of dynamical systems which integrating the automation and complete-installation engineering of motor design manufacturing, mechanical processing, mold/die making, quality system, The company has been certified by quality systems, environmental and occupational health system.  公司依托泰富集团雄厚的技术力量,研发和生产的电机种类齐全,在国内处于水平, 拥有产品34大系列、1800多个品种、19500多个规格,功率范围0.35千瓦至25000千瓦。 公司研发的YE3全系列低压超率三相异步电动机,YX、YXKS、YXKK全系列高压率三相异步电动机被列进了国家“节能产品惠民工程”电机推广目录(第5批)。另外公司还批量生产YVF2、YVFE2、YVFE3系列变频调速高低压电动机,TF350-5000KW系列大型同步发电机、T、TD、TK、TDMK系列同步电动机,YB2、YBX2、YBE2、YBE3系列防爆高低压三相异步电动机和Z2、Z4、Z系列直流电动机。注册商标“西玛”牌,所有产品符合国际、国家、行业和企业标准,广泛应用于电力、煤炭、石油、采矿、冶金、铁路、交通、化工、农业、水利、航空、航海及高科技等领域,是铁道部定点的电机配套厂家。 Company’s products fall in 34 major series, 2000 varieties, more than 19,500 specifications, the power range from 0.35kW to 19,000 kW. Among them, YE3 series low voltage premium efficiency three phase asynchronous motor, YX, YXKS, YXKK series high voltage high efficiency three phase asynchronous motor has been listed in “ National energy-saving products Huimin Project” high efficiency motor promotion catalog (the fifth lot). In addition, we also manufacture YVF、YVF2、YVFE2、YVFE3 series variable frequency and variable speed high/low voltage motor in batch, TF350-5000KW series large size synchronous generator , T, TD, TK, TDMK series synchronous motor, YB2、YBX2、YBE2、YBE3 series  explosion-proof series high/low voltage three phase asynchronous motor and Z2, Z4 and Z series DC motor. The registered trademark of “Simo” brand, in conformity with international, national, industrial and corporate standards, and widely applied in electricity, coal, petroleum, mining, metallurgy, railway, transportation, chemical industry, agriculture, water economy, aviation, navigation and high technologies and other areas. The Company is the motor supporting manufacturer specially designated by the Ministry of Railways.
营口销售YR系列高压滑环电机厂家,沈阳正品直流电机厂家。吉林专业生产YKK空空冷却高压电机生产厂家,忻州销售西玛电机生产厂家。营口专业直流电机厂家,YRSK560-10 560KW/YRSK560-10 560KW(包含空水冷却器)绕线电机,葫芦岛哪里有卖直流电机厂家,巴彦淖尔专业生产西玛电机批发,铜陵正品西玛电机批发,晋城供应高压电机批发,长春哪里有YKS空水冷高压电机厂家,乌海哪里有卖高压电机生产厂家,大连供应YKK空空冷却高压电机厂家,晋城专业生产YKS空水冷高压电机生产厂家,长治泰富西玛电机TYE4-180M-4低压全封闭自扇冷式超超率鼠笼型三相异步电动机,朝阳哪里有YKS空水冷高压电机批发。阜新哪家YKS空水冷高压电机批发。大同哪里有卖直流电机批发,阳泉销售YXKK高压电机生产厂家




手 机:15691708999

邮 箱:simo@ximadianji.cn

公 司:陕西异步西玛电机有限公司

地 址:西安市金花北路205号
